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Looking Forward to 2021

I’m going to try to skip all the standard “man, wow! 2020 sure was a dumpster fire of a year!” cliches. I would be remiss to not say that 2020 has been especially difficult for us creatives. That being said, I’ve been doing what I can to ensure that my team can continue their work safely, and be able to make ends meet. I think we can all say that we didn’t sign up for anything that happened in 2020, but it’s up to us to drop the sword and pick up the hammer and the saw, and build a better world.

That being said, I hope to continue doing great work with Photic Media. We provide an admittedly wide range of services, but what I’ve been working on as of late is narrowing things like our site here and our other marketing channels down to a much more concise selection of options.

Essentially, what’s happened is we’ve gone from offering up everything under the sun to Commercial and Editorial photos and videos. As for any personal services, we’ll still be offering them through our Photic Memories brand.

As a business owner, I think we all can agree that 2020 wasn’t the best for us all, and many of us weren’t ready to shift our business to completely online. So, I’m here to remind you that we’re here to help you get content for your products and/or services you need. It sounds repetitive to say, but if it helps change one mind, I’ll say it again: your business needs to have an online presence, and it needs content for that presence.

It’s 2021, and it’s time to make the resolution to take your business to the next level!